Project Description

This project involved altering the interior of the existing library and computer technology suite, creating a new ‘integrated learning environment’ (ile), now called the schools Learning Hub.

We collaborated closely with the school, designing a multifunctional, inspirational space for the children, teachers & families to enjoy.

“On reflection of my day, can I just say… Thanks teachers. When I went into the learning hub for five minutes, this is what I saw… A year one teacher doing an assessment on one of her kids in the learning hub Space. Boys who are graduating this year are sardined in the Hui pod playing Lego. Senior boys and girls practising their poetry recitals in the viewing hub on the stage to each other for the upcoming competition. A girl on the computer in the tech hub doing work while the boys lay on the green screen stage on their Chrome books. …The LIT teacher was doing something exciting with a group in her office, the kids had smiles a mile wide. Year 4s are choosing books, and one little girl in a reading nook is tucked away quietly, reading. I said to …, is it ok if I just cry ‘cause I’m so happy? Thanks for making a vision of learning a reality guys.”

Nikki Urlich, Deputy Principal